TV Nutritionist in California Raisins PSA

If you’ve ever wondered about what goes into the making of a television commercial, today you’re in for a little treat. Last week I had the exciting opportunity of appearing in a PSA (public service announcement) for my client California Raisins. Here are the behind-the-scenes photos from the shoot and the days leading up to it.
More than one week prior to shooting, I rehearsed the “copy”, or script, in front of my iPhone camera until I perfected it. In my olive oil t-shirt.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my stylist friend Diane Aiello, it is to have plenty of clothing options for any given shoot. So I brought eight that she helped me select. Read: As many items as I could possibly jam into my carry-on luggage. Director Ray Salo and his assistant Michelle, who were a dream to work with, chose the outfit I wore for the shoot—a berry-colored Kate Spade shift dress. It was a fabulous choice for the pretty park setting and sunny, summery day in Vacaville, California.
Next stop: Hair and makeup with the lovely and talented Frances Ertola (makeup) and Carolyn Orozco (hair), who have even worked with rock stars! I knew I would be in good hands.
“The talent”: Ocean Raye, her mom Julie and me. The entire family that was there was just as adorable.
Naturally, we munched on raisins prior to filming.
Then it was time for microphone placement, last minute touchups, and sound and lighting checks.
Strategically placing my microphone and plastering it on with surgical tape.
Show time.
And that’s a wrap! Or, make that a tuna salad sandwich with avocado and provolone on whole-wheat bread. I enjoyed half and saved the rest for eating a few hours later at the airport. So good.
This PSA will start airing nationwide in January and online even sooner. You know that I’ll share it with you as soon as I get my hands on it.
Stay tuned in a couple weeks for the behind-the-scenes at the biggest food and nutrition conference in the world.
I love my job!
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You look awesome (as always)! I think I need my own stylist and hair and makeup people 😉 But don’t we all!!
Thanks, darling.
I wish I had stylists for my personal life, but alas, they are only for professional appearances:) My husband would immediately put the kibosh on that. LOL.
Love the selection of wardrobe you brought! Hope to see you at FNCE.
Thanks, Carlene! Yes, I’m sure I will see you around at FNCE. I’ll be at the California Raisins and National Pork Board expo booths on Sunday and Monday. I’ll send out the times on the #FNCE feed during days leading up. Please stop by if you get the chance.
Well done, Michelle!!
I concur with Suzanne as well, re: personal stylists for everyday. 🙂 A one of my closest friends is a stylist, so I tend to luck out a little with her. 🙂
Thanks, Rebecca! You are lucky to have one of your closest friends as a stylist!