Can I Get a Remedy? Monday

I made Scarlet scrambled eggs for breakfast, and tossed a couple extra into the pan for myself. The perfectly ripe mango (client) on the counter played a refreshing role in the meal, next to a piece of whole wheat toast topped with buttery spread. As always, coffee kicked off the morning.
Late morning, a batch of homemade snack mix of raisins, pistachios, cinnamon raisin bagel chips, and whole grain cereal appeased my grumbling stomach.
Last night, Steve treated me to grilled lamb chops and asparagus. Today I rolled up the leftovers into a whole wheat wrap, along with spinach, tomatoes, light mayo, Dijon, and Crosse & Blackwell Mint Sauce (I adore this sauce with lamb and cucumbers. Find it in the pickled condiment section of your grocery store). I had fresh blackberries on the side.
We also had a few pieces of frozen garlic bread (Freezer Challenge – check!).
I’ve been experiencing these dull headaches lately lasting days. I think they’re hormonal. There’s something about a Diet Coke and ibuprofen that seems to offer instant, then sustained relief. I don’t know if science backs up my theory about this, but Coke was originally created by a pharmacist, after all. After my 3-hour nap on Saturday I woke up with a lingering headache and proceeded to drink a Diet Coke in bed. I have issues.
I grabbed a reduced fat mozzarella cheese stick before scooting out the door.
Since I eat a late dinner, I must walk a fine line of eating a late afternoon snack that is just large enough to prevent crazed hunger, but small enough so I’ll still enjoy dinner. Today I chose five organic tortilla chips drizzled with hot sauce and sprinkled with diced avocados.
An hour before dinner I marinated two quite large, bone-in, skin-on chicken breasts (Freezer Challenge) with all-purpose salt-free seasoning and apple cider vinegar. I seared them in a pan over high heat with corn oil and finished them in a 350 degree oven for 15 – 20 minutes. The pan drippings reduced with red wine and chicken stock (Freezer Challenge) made a delicious jus. I don’t come across skin-on poultry often, but when I do, I love perfectly browned, crispy skin. I threw together a salad and simmered a pot of packaged whole grain rice pilaf. I let Scarlet help me pour in the water and rice and she loved that!
When I realized I hadn’t had any chocolate yet today, I quickly scooped up a small bowl of vanilla bean ice cream topped with chocolate cookie crumbles and the last few drops of dark chocolate syrup.
Estimated calories: 2030 (Breakfast 285, Lunch 445, Dinner 735, Snacks 565)
And while we’re on the topic of headaches, a dietitian on Twitter told me that the caffeine and tannins in black or green tea can help relieve headaches. Makes sense. Probably a better choice than my Diet Coke. Do you have any remedies you can share?
Finally, here is a little something to get you moving and grooving in your kitchen, like it did to me today.
“Remedy,” Black Crowes
The Black Crowes – Remedy
Get More: The Black Crowes – Remedy
As your friend mentioned, diet coke probably helps you because caffiene can be shown to relieve headaches. I do the diet coke/ ib fix together on mornings after a little too much fun the night before (ahem, wine/ bachelorette parties and the like). I also have a mango sitting on my desk- it’s going to be my mid morning snack- I just find them such a pain to cut (or pit).
Hi Katie,
Ah…yes. I learned the lesson the hard way with headaches and caffeine when I took a migraine med (I was prig, and the doc told me to take) at 8 O’clock at night! It was loaded with 150 mg of caffeine – the equivalent to a cup of coffee. I was up all night.
Enjoy your mango. Did you happen to watch the TV segment where I showed how to cut a mango? I demonstrated the easiest way to do it.
Thanks for stopping by.